Sleep Apnea News

Is Napping Dangerous?

No, a nap in and of itself won't kill you, at least not if it's while you are on your couch. But according to a new study from England, those who nap long and often may see decreased life expectancy:
In the study, people ages 40 to 79 who napped daily, for less than an hour, were 14 percent more likely to die over a 13-year period, compared to those who did not nap. Longer naps were linked with a higher risk: people whose daily naps lasted an hour or more were 32 percent more likely to die over the study period.
Of course, persistent napping means you are not getting a solid night's rest. Sleep apnea, an obstruction of the normal airway that results in intermittent breathing, may be the cause. Surgical Sleep Solutions may be able to help - feel free to contact us for a confidential consultation.