Sleep Apnea News

The Two Sides of CPAP

A recent study of CPAP versus straight oxygen usage in sleep apnea uncovered the following:
CPAP was able to cut blood pressure, lower weight and improve insulin in the group of patients. Doctors viewed the results as a positive indication that the machines can have an impact on cardiovascular health. They have been encouraging the public to address sleep apnea problems instead of ignoring them and hoping the snoring would fade.
But there's another side to the story ...
CPAP has not been considered to be the most attractive medical device, so many patients have rejected the idea of wearing it. There have also been complaints about discomfort, reactions and noise, but the machines offer a valuable solution for people suffering from sleep apnea.
So, while CPAP does work sleep apnea recidivism is bound to occur because persistence use is key, and yet difficult. Many would be better off getting rid of CPAP and their sleep apnea, in one fell swoop.