Sleep Apnea News

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgery

Sleep apnea CPAP surgical sleep solutions 400x300 Our procedure of choice is Bimaxillary advancement surgery. It has been proven to be up to 99 percent effective and has been accepted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Bimaxillary advancement surgery, also known as maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery moves both the upper and lower jaw of the patient forward, creating a larger airway, eliminating mechanical obstructions, and literally giving you more room to breath freely.

Why choose Surgical Sleep Solutions for your sleep apnea surgery

• We provide one-on-one care. We provide care for sleep apnea patients on an individual basis in a special care setting. You will get to know each member of our experienced staff and receive personalized, expert attention. • Our experience. With 30+ years experience in jaw procedures our surgeons are dedicated to making sure they are offering the most effective, efficient and safe procedures available. • Our specialized treatment model. Our controlled approach allows Surgical Sleep Solutions to more efficiently manage pain, control bleeding and minimize swelling. These advances not only eliminates the need for a night spent in the intensive care unit of a hospital, it also allows patients to recover in 7-10 days, as opposed to 4-6 weeks. • Our anesthesiologists. We utilize anesthesia providers with special experience and expertise dealing with sleep apnea patients, jaw surgeries, and related specialized anesthesia techniques. • The cost of the procedure. Due to a patients short stay, our sleep apnea surgery is more cost-effective and affordable than in a traditional hospital setting.