Sleep Apnea News

Could sleep apnea home testing be right for you?

Sleep apnea home test surgical sleep solutions 1 In past years, the only way to accurately diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was through overnight observation in a sleep center. Today, though, some doctors are using an overnight sleep apnea home test to diagnose certain patients with the sleep disorder. Could sleep apnea home testing be right for you, and what are the pros and cons of this test over a more official in-clinic test?

How Sleep Apnea Home Testing Works

If you are being diagnosed through this method, your doctor will provide you with a sleep apnea home test kit along with detailed instructions on how to use it. Most of these test will measure your your heart rate, blood oxygen level, airflow and breathing patterns during a full night of sleep in your own bed. They do so through a belt that is around your chest, a blood-oxygen sensor on your finger, a data collection device strapped on your arm, and a breath sensor hooked over your ears and taped beneath your nose. The Advantages of Sleep Apnea Home Testing The major advantage of a home sleep apnea test is that it is more convenient for the patient: the person being tested is not required to travel to an overnight sleep clinic or to spend a night away from home. In addition, sleep apnea home tests are approximately ten times less expensive than in-clinic tests, which may make them a better especially when it comes to screening those in the transportation industry. Some people believe that sleep apnea home tests will help encourage people who have multiple symptoms of OSA to get diagnosed and treated when they might not otherwise take the step. The Disadvantages of Sleep Apnea Home Testing The biggest disadvantage of sleep apnea home testing is that it is not as accurate as a sleep center test and may not detect all cases of sleep apnea. A nocturnal polysomnography tracks more of your body's data, including your brain activity and your arm and leg movements. Therefore, it can result in more accurate and more meaningful results. A full sleep center test is also better at diagnosing mild sleep apnea and other types of sleep disorders. Finally, a test done in a sleep center is set up and observed by medical professionals, cutting down on the risk of errors. It is not uncommon for a doctor to recommend nocturnal polysomnography even after you have passed a home sleep apnea test.

Are You A Good Candidate For A Sleep Apnea Home Test?

Some people are better suited for a sleep apnea home test than others. You may be a good candidate for a home sleep kit if it is highly likely that you have moderate to severe sleep apnea and if you are otherwise in good health. You may not be a good candidate for a sleep apnea home test if:
  • You may only suffer from mild OSA or are not at high risk for OSA.
  • You may suffer from sleep disorders other than sleep apnea, such as restless leg syndrome or narcolepsy.
  • You suffer from certain other health issues, such as heart disease, neuromuscular diseases, or congestive heart failure.
  • You are not confident that you can correctly use the home testing equipment.

Sleep Apnea Self-Evaluation at Surgical Sleep Solutions

If you believe you may need to be tested for obstructive sleep apnea, consider taking our online self-evaluation. If you have the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, talk to your doctor about receiving a diagnosis and the proper treatment for your condition.