Sleeping cpap

What is obstructive sleep apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when there’s a physical interruption to the airflow during sleep, due to blockages in the upper airway. This can stem from structural abnormalities in areas ranging from the nose to the soft palate and the base of the tongue, or from reduced tissue firmness in the upper airway. Factors like obesity, specific anatomical variations in the neck and throat, as well as enlarged tonsils and adenoids, can exacerbate these obstructions.

Bimaxillary advancement, or maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery, is a targeted intervention for OSA. It involves surgically repositioning both the maxilla (upper jaw) and the mandible (lower jaw) forward. This advancement enlarges the airway space, thereby reducing or eliminating the obstructions that contribute to sleep apnea.

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What is bimaxillary advancement surgery?

In bimaxillary advancement surgery, which is done to help with sleep apnea, the surgeon makes cuts inside the mouth once you’re safely under anesthesia. They then carefully move both your upper and lower jaws forward to make more room for air to flow when you breathe. To keep your jaws in this new position, the surgeon uses tiny titanium plates and screws, so there’s no need to wire your teeth together while you heal.

Sometimes, the surgery also requires putting on braces, metal bars, and rubber bands on your teeth for about 6 weeks. These help keep your bite steady as your jaw heals.


What makes our delivery model different?

Built on the solid success of bimaxillary advancement surgery (also known as maxillomandibular advancement) for treating sleep apnea, we’ve created a special treatment approach that does away with most of the downsides usually linked to this surgery. Our unique method boasts an impressive success rate of 95 to 99 percent and remains unmatched.

You can find our specialized treatment center in Bozeman, Montana. Here, we offer expert care in a comfortable setting, allowing you to recuperate with great facilities and your loved ones close by. Our skilled surgeons hold credentials at St. Patrick Hospital and Community Medical Center in Missoula, Montana, ensuring top-notch medical expertise for your treatment.

Our treatment model is shaped by eight key aspects that underline our commitment to excellence in managing obstructive sleep apnea:

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Dr. Clark Owen Taylor, with a blend of over thirty years in performing bimaxillary advancements and a rich background in education and training, holds a success rate above 90% in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea. His extensive experience and contributions to the field, including training other professionals, make him a leading figure in our approach.

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We require patients to undergo sleep studies, assisting with home sleep studies or identifying local centers for required testing. A trial of CPAP for at least three months is recommended before considering bimaxillary advancement, ensuring that surgery is opted for only when necessary.

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Utilizing 3D cone beam CT scans and specialized software for airway and skeletal analysis, we conduct a virtual surgery planning. This advanced preparation allows for precise surgical execution using virtual intraoperative guides, ensuring outcomes that closely match the preoperative simulations.

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Our anesthesia team, chosen for their expertise with sleep apnea and jaw surgeries, plays a crucial role in our treatment model. Their specialized knowledge ensures patient safety and comfort throughout the procedure.

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Recovery Period

Our patients typically return home after a one-night observation, resuming light activities within 2 weeks and progressing to a soft chewing diet shortly thereafter. This recovery period is significantly shorter than the traditional 4-6 weeks associated with other surgical approaches. Learn more about post-operative care.

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While we offer procedures in hospital settings, most of our surgeries are performed in private, accredited surgical centers. This allows for a more personalized and efficient treatment experience, with patients receiving dedicated care overnight.

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Our outpatient model, refined over 11 years, significantly reduces recovery times and expedites the return to normal activities. It emphasizes efficiency in surgery and anesthesia, alongside personalized preoperative care, leading to low morbidity and quick recovery.

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The outpatient approach not only speeds up recovery but also offers substantial cost savings compared to traditional inpatient procedures. Over our first eleven years, patient feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the life-changing effects of eliminating CPAP dependence through our low morbidity surgical solution for obstructive sleep apnea.